Friday, April 18, 2014

Not All Women Who Work Offshore Are Gonna Steal Your Man

Trust me, I would know. If you haven't read any of my earlier posts I am a woman who works in the oilfield, on a rotational basis, just like your man. Yes I may get hit on by your man, even those that are married. No, I am not interested in him, nor his money. I have my own, thank you. We all do. 

If a woman who does work in the industry is dumb enough to risk her job (and her life if you are one crazy a$$ chick like most oilfield wives are and rightfully should be) she is NOT even THINKING about doing the dirty with a married man twice her age that has 4 kids and another on the way at home. We are women too, we understand what you go through at home and what a heavy weight it would be on our conscience to be that homewrecker.

 It is a small world in the offshore industry, we all know one mistake like that and we can kiss our namesake and reputation (that we work so hard to build) "goodbye" as it walks the plank off the rig and into the deep blue sea. And we know ain't nobody jumping at the chance to save that reputation either. Anything that sparks up good conversation on the rig is going to get blown up, by anyone and everyone with a mouth. Ever played the game telephone in kindergarten where the phrase "I like your hair" turned into "purple chickens pooped in Jennie's backyard?" The rumor mill on oil rigs is just like that, except a little more vicious and a whole lot more immature. 

It's a cruel, cruel world for us women out there, it takes twice as much time and effort to prove ourselves and our skills.So if you think your married husband with more baggage than Lindsay Lohan's eyes after a heavy night of partying is going to make us drop everything we have ever worked for, you are thinking down the wrong path, girl. 

Now I can say I have seen and heard some of these things happen before and I am not speaking on the behalf of the women who chose to steer their lives down that road. More often times than not, women who work offshore are there for their own families and their own well-being. Not to find themselves a married oilfield man. No girl who is asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Is going to respond with "a homewrecker!" 

If you think there are things in your relationship that may make him want to cheat, I can only give so much advice on those things (see my previous blurb about 5 tips for offshore relationships). But if you think you are losing him and you don't want that, talk to him about it, see what you both can do to improve on it. I am just writing this to assure you that 99% of women in the oilfield are NOT going to move in on your property if you have a few bumps in the road before he leaves home. So if that thought has ever crossed your mind because you know your man works with a female on his rig you can sleep easy, my friend. Plus, there is a 1 in 200 chance that, if you manage to come across the 1% of women who would be insane enough to do anything like that, she is going to set her sights on YOUR husband or boyfriend. Most likely it will be a man who is single, and proven single, no girls on his Facebook or Instagram account, not even a trace of you. Not sure if that helps but that just narrowed your chances down even more.

 Just remember it takes two to tango.  
 Keep Calm and OWC On, Ladies!

Xo Lexi
Offshore Wives Club Founder

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